The latest dog food withdrawal comes from family food fromm, although it has nothing to do with salmonella or aflatoxin which is behind many remember earlier this year. This time, dog food is being drawn because it may have higher levels of vitamin D than expected, which can cause health problems, including kidney problems.

The recall covering around 5,500 cases from canned dog food four nail stars, the announcement revealed. This can is distributed to a pet shop in the US; They are packed in a 12oz can and display the best date “08/2024.” Specific products covered by withdrawals include turkey trenches, pigs, chickens and beef.

The company voluntarily remembered these canned dog food cases after the analysis was found by the level of vitamin D. The high potential dog that consumed too much of these vitamins could experience symptoms such as weight loss, increased thirst, greater than saliva, and more. Very high levels of vitamin D can cause serious health outcomes.

Whoever buys one of these drawn products must monitor their dogs for symptoms and seek animal care if their dog displays it. Fortunately, the company has not received a problem report on dogs produced from canned foods.

The company said that it has fixed a problem that produces high levels of vitamins so that it won’t happen again. Consumers who buy one of the cans of dog dogs in mind is told to return products that are not used for refunds. Full identification details for LOT who are recalled can be found in withdrawal notifications on the FDA website.