Haulers, hauling companies, and any person interested in trucks aspires to have a standard procedure to assess the truck’s performance. A high-capacity truck can improve hauling efficiency while being environmentally friendly. Due to their large size and reduced carbon emission, High Capacity Trucks (HCT) are popular in the industry, and optimizing loading capacity is key to optimizing hauling efficiency.

Assessing Performance

There are three indicators for the evaluation of performance, namely:

  • Cost efficiency
  • Transportation Outcomes
  • The trucks service quality

Cost Efficiency

The cost of hauling via truck should always be cheaper in comparison to other modes of transport. To objectively assess performance, you ought to collect data about the total number of covered trips, total mileage, fuel consumption, and the carbon footprint of the trucks. The number of operators needed during the hauling process is also part of the cost, with the ideal being the fewer operators needed, the better.

Cost efficiency can also entail measuring the volume to capacity ratio. Ideally, while transporting goods, the truck out to be filled as much as possible with the most economical utilization of space to maximize efficiency.

Walking floor trailers are an economical way to haul cargo since these trucks require minimal manpower while effectively transporting a wide range of cargo. Walking floor trailers for sale are available and, according to Hale Trailer, are safe for both the drivers and the cargo being transported. Walking floor trailers for sale come with a hydraulic bed that moves cargo efficiently while keeping the operator safe.

Transportation Outcomes

Collecting accurate transportation outcomes data may necessitate that you install fleet telematics on your trucks during the transportation process. Other than helping you to improve everyday workflow decisions, fleet telematics can be an efficient way to assess the overall hauling experience for both the driver and the truck and therefore assess the truck’s performance.

One of the leading experts on trucks, Hale Trailer, assures you that fleet telematics can work as a fleet management tool to assist in the hauling experience effectively. Transportation outcomes generally involve assessing the truck’s performance within the terrain, and time is taken for transport, the condition of the cargo during transport and at delivery, customer satisfaction, and the overall profit per truck.

Truck telematics collects data on:

  • Average speed traveled
  • Fuel used per truck and per driver
  • Hours worked per truck
  • Kilometers traveled per day per truck

An effective truck should travel the longest distance per day safely with the least fuel consumption per kilometer and be in a position to adapt to different terrain while keeping the cargo under transport safe. A truck’s performance can also be assessed using the mileage covered before servicing and the total cost per service.

The Trucks Service Quality

The truck’s service quality is informed by how well the truck can deliver according to the company’s objectives. Therefore, it goes without saying that a moving truck cannot be held to the same standard as a truck for cold-chain delivery services.

Some jobs may also necessitate modifications to the trucks to suit the type of cargo. The service quality of a truck requires assessing the ease of adding or removing any modifications to the truck and the adaptability of the truck to the cargo at hand.

While there are many parameters that you can use to assess a truck’s performance, the parameters should fall within these three broad categories. For any trucking queries, concerns, or acquisitions, do not hesitate to contact Hale Trailer for all your trucking needs.