Mr. Corman, drama / comedy series was written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who also starred in the show, has been canceled by Apple TV + after his first season. This event received a relatively high rating from viewers and critics, but with other high ranking shows that have a short life, the number of […]
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Category: Entertainment
Marvel dares to compare PS5’s Spider-Man
During the PlayStation 5 showcase at the beginning of the month, Sony confirmed that the sequel to Marvel’s spider was under development in the Insomnia game. That there is a sequel on the trip not surprisingly – the first game was well received by critics and fans together and then became one of the best-selling […]
Nintendo Switch Pro 4K rumor officially ...
The Nintendo Switch remains one of the most loved game consoles in recent years, but is far from perfect. In fact, it might also be too old to compete with the current generation of consoles, at least as far as playing on a large screen. It has made wishes and rumors on the Nintendo Switch […]
Fortnite PlayStation Cup earmarks $113,4...
Epic Games has announced the next Playstation Fortnite Cup, a tournament with cash prizes for those who compete. As you would expect with the name of the competition, the tournament is exclusive to the owner of the PlayStation console, which means you need a Playstation 4 or Playstation 5 model for shooting in part of […]
Fortnite leak hints next Tilted Towers m...
The latest Fortnite season is about a cube – a big, small, and even the mysterious yellow is very moving. The new cube continues to appear on the map, some of them as small cubes, and they seem to move, leave a broken landscape and purple spots in all places. What’s the use of all […]
DC’s first NFT collection launches in Oc
We were a little more than two weeks from Fandome 2021, a free virtual fan event for DC fans. This year’s event is equipped with something special: DC’s first NFT batch, a collection that is possible in partnership with Palm NFT Studio. DC fans will be able to get at least two NFT collections from […]