Apple has announced when you will be able to win the Apple Watch 7 series. Pre-Order started this Friday, October 8 at 8 am ET. The device, which starts at $ 399, will be available one week later on October 15. The biggest change this year is a bigger look, always on. Apple has hit […]
Amazon’s Fire Kids Pro tablets are up to
Amazon came out with the Fire Kids Pro family earlier this year to give parents with older children’s choice of safe tablets. But because they have a few more bells and whistles compared to standard fire kids tablets, this slab comes with a premium. However, Amazon has discounted throughout the lineup, so you can take […]
Facebook is down, along with Instagram, ...
If you cannot access Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or WhatsApp, you are not the only one. Starting from around 11:38 ET, downdetector began to record a surge in blackout report in the four services owned by Facebook. Andy Stone, a company spokesman, said at 12:07 ET that the company worked to solve problems quickly. The error […]
Android 12 has been released to the Andr...
Preview in I / O 2021 and some beta since then, the next version of the Google cellular operating system is ready for prime time. Android 12 is now officially available. But if you have an Android device, don’t be too excited. With today’s announcement, Google uploaded the source code to the operating system to […]
Sony’s latest neckband speaker supports
Sony has revealed its first wireless nurnable speaker with the support of Dolby atmos. The company said SRS-NS7 offered “deep home theater experience” without the need for surround sound speaker system or having headphones clamped in your head. For the full Dolby Atmos effect, you need a TV Sony Bravia XR and a wireless transmitter […]
Facebook asks judge to dismiss FTC antit...
Facebook once again asked federal judges to dismiss the federal trade commission antitrust suits against social networks. In new submissions, the company argues that the government “still does not have a factual basis for accusing the power of monopoly.” The FTC initially filed an antitrust demand for the company last December. A judge rejected the […]